Philanthropy has been gaining ground in our society and a trend of giving back no matter your financial health is a new addition to the philanthropic movement. Who says you need to be rich to be a philanthropist? We can all contribute to the trend of giving no matter our monetary worth. This is not a new concept of assistance either.

An instance from back in 1940 highlights a woman who gave her neighbor the service of childcare for free. The mother in question could not afford help so her neighbor offered her service in exchange for nothing! This type of action can be viewed in a number of different ways, a favor, or being nice, but it boiled down to helping someone in need with something that is of value. For this woman, she gave this mother he time, instead of money.

Other ways to offer non-monetary philanthropy include provide food, welcome, or respect. Those in need often need the most basic of help, providing a warm meal is a nice way to show you care for others. There is also a degree of satisfaction from being able to give nourishment. Warm welcomes are a simple and polite gesture to give the gift of companionship and affection. Extending your hand to greet someone with a warm smile helps them feel wanted, something that many isolated folks long for. Giving respect is one of the most valued things a person can do for another. It is something the human race is constantly striving for and to be able to give that to someone in need is extremely fulfilling for both parties.

Philanthropy does not begin and end at the checkbook. It extends to advise giving, offering up skills, or man power. It could be as simple as having a conversation with someone who needs to talk. If you are interested in becoming a philanthropist, you do not have to look at you bank account, look at what skills you can offer others and figure out how to make an impact.

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